


Website Hosting Methods

1. Introduction to Hosting Platforms#

Pros: Free

Cons: Limited resources, low integration

1.1 GitHub Pages#

Due to DNS issues in mainland China, the author uses GitHub+vercel to solve the problem of intermittent access speed.

This is one of the most well-known and simplest ways to host personal websites for free. GitHub, as the world's largest same-sex dating website 😭, has many excellent projects, including personal websites of many experts. After hosting on GitHub, you will be provided with a domain name like

1.1.1 Website Creation Steps#

  1. First, create your own repository on GitHub.
  2. Upload your static website files to the repository.
  3. Then, enable the "pages" service in the repository's settings/pages.

Usually, the domain name generated by GitHub may look like If you want your site to have a second-level domain without the URI, you need to create a repository named {github_username}

1.2 Gitee Pages#

Gitee is the Chinese version of GitHub and has fast speed in China. Many students may know that accessing websites hosted on GitHub in China can be slow, so Gitee is also an option for hosting personal websites and projects.

1.2.1 Website Creation Steps#

  1. First, create your own repository on Gitee.
  2. Upload your static website files to the repository.
  3. Then, enable the "Gitee Pages" service in the repository's "Services" section.

After successful activation, the top right corner of your personal project will display the "Pages" address.

2. Advanced Hosting Platforms#

Pros: Free

Cons: Limited resources, high integration, fast and efficient

2.1 Vercel#

After trying out GitHub and Gitee's Pages services, the author has developed a strong preference for this all-in-one hosting service. It can compile and package our code, and we only need to upload the code to the repository to achieve automated building and deployment. The whole process is smooth, simple, and efficient.

However, the free subdomain provided by Vercel is blocked in China and cannot be accessed. It can be accessed by binding your own domain. The author's backup blog,, is built using GitHub+Vercel+domain method.

2.2.1 Website Creation Steps#

  1. Register a Vercel account.
  2. Connect your GitHub account.
  3. Create a Vercel project using an existing repository OR use a template provided by Vercel.
  4. Once the project is successfully built, it can be accessed.

After the project is successfully built, you can find the domain name provided by Vercel on the overview page. You can quickly access our website through this domain name.

2.2 4everland#

4everland is similar to Vercel, but slightly slower and has resource usage limitations. However, it is perfectly suitable for personal learning purposes, and its website creation steps are basically the same as Vercel. Its main feature is decentralization.

2.3 Netlify#

Netlify is a well-established hosting service that is completely free within a certain amount of resources. The website creation steps are similar to Vercel. You may have seen its name in the documentation websites of many open-source projects because many open-source project documentation is hosted on Netlify.

Compared to Vercel, Netlify's free subdomain is usable and has good access speed.

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